Sweet as Peach Pie


The Sweet as Peach Pie was designed to captivate ranunculus lovers and bring a touch of delicate elegance to any occasion. This thoughtfully curated arrangement features a crowd-favorite blend of peach ranunculus blooms, meticulously chosen for their beauty and long-lasting nature. The bouquet is designed in our stylish ribbed white ceramic vase, making it a stunning centerpiece or gift. With 20-30 stems of vibrant peach ranunculus in a white ceramic vase, Sweet as Peach Pie perfectly captures the essence of spring and summer.

Sweet as Peach Pie | Flower Bouquet and Vase

Why We Love This Bouquet

Sweet as Peach Pie is an ode to ranunculus flowers, we simply adore them here at Lilia. This bouquet radiates warmth, happiness, and all those sherbert-colored happy feelings. This petite arrangement is the perfect treat, the ranunculus blooms are not only beautiful but also extremely delicate and long-lasting, ensuring that the bouquet remains stunning for an extended period. Additionally, the ribbed white ceramic vase that accompanies the bouquet adds an extra touch of elegance and can be reused for future floral arrangements or as a decorative piece.

What’s The Occasion

Sweet as Peach Pie bouquet is a thoughtful gift for anyone who appreciates the beauty and light-heartedness of ranunculus flowers. While it’s perfect for a variety of occasions, so many people love to gift this bouquet as a thank you, “I’m thinking of you”, or “congratulations” gift!

Outstanding Quality

Crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, each stem in this bouquet is hand-selected for its freshness and beauty. We source our flowers from trusted local growers to ensure premium quality and sustainability. Our skilled florists expertly arrange each bloom to perfection, providing a stunning presentation that exceeds expectations. Unlike mass-produced arrangements, each bouquet is uniquely crafted with a blend of seasonal and classic blooms, making it an exceptional gift. 

Care Instructions 

  • Add Water Regularly: Add water every day or as needed.
  • Remove Wilted Flowers: As flowers begin to wilt, remove them from the arrangement. This not only keeps the bouquet looking fresh but also prevents the spread of mold or bacteria to the healthy flowers.

Questions? Contact us here.