Dahlia Days


Dahlia Days is our mega-colorful bouquet that celebrates the beauty of local dahlias from Minnesota farmers. This exquisite arrangement features a harmonious blend of vibrant dahlias and complementary local flowers, designed to make the dahlias truly pop. Available only until the first frost, these stunning blooms come in a variety of color palettes. Our expert florists ensure that while the exact arrangement isn’t replicated, the overall vibe remains true to its essence. Customers are encouraged to specify their color preferences at checkout to tailor the bouquet to their liking.

**Bouquet in image is our large version

Dahlia Days | Flower Bouquet

Why We Love This Bouquet

Dahlia Days is a celebration of vibrant colors, and believe me — local dahlias belong in your home! The unique blend of dahlias and local flowers makes it a real stunner, while the bouquet’s seasonal availability ensures you’re getting the best of the best. 

What’s the Occasion

Dahlia Days is a versatile bouquet that we love for birthdays, graduations, and other fun events. The bouquet is a lively one and these babies are gorgeous. Whether you’re looking to make a grand gesture or simply brighten someone’s day, Dahlia Days is designed to be delightful!

Outstanding Quality

Crafted with utmost care and attention to detail, each stem in this bouquet is hand-selected for its freshness and beauty. We source our flowers from trusted local growers to ensure premium quality and sustainability. Our skilled florists expertly arrange each bloom to perfection, providing a stunning presentation that exceeds expectations. Unlike mass-produced arrangements, each bouquet is uniquely crafted with a blend of seasonal and classic blooms, making it an exceptional gift. 

Care Instructions 

  • Change Water Regularly: Change or add water every 2-3 days. 
  • Remove Wilted Flowers: As flowers begin to wilt, remove them from the arrangement. This not only keeps the bouquet looking fresh but also prevents the spread of mold or bacteria to the healthy flowers.

Questions? Contact us here.